Check out Irena Pereira’s groundbreaking thought and talk on why UX fails on major game teams.
Designing a Fast Travel System
Crafting Rapid Prototype
Near the final days of working on Copernicus, we were working very closely on designing and implementing Crafting. Design hadn’t finalized our crafting system yet, however our engineering team needed a faux interface that allowed them to fuse multiple items and display the result of the combination in order to construct the basic back end architecture. The order of business was to create a rapid prototype to allow for initial development.
Inscription Interface
Inscription was an entirely new system - additional to the Talent System for customizing characters. It was one of the “Back of the Box” features of the expansion, and I took it upon myself to make it as unique and interesting as possible. The challenge I took on was to create an experience that was more immersive while maintaining interaction tropes that our player base was familiar with.