user interface

Project Copernicus

Project Copernicus

The MMO that never would be, Project Copernicus, whose release title was to be "Kingdoms of Amalur", was to be a revolutionary event in gaming history. It ultimately got that honor but sadly for different reasons. It's well known that the words, "We're trying to keep the company solvent," from Rhode Island Governor Chaffee were the beginning of the end of the project. 38 Studios went bankrupt as we approached the tail end of development on the world's most ambitious MMO. 

Inscription Interface

Inscription Interface

Inscription was an entirely new system - additional to the Talent System for customizing characters. It was one of the “Back of the Box” features of the expansion, and I took it upon myself to make it as unique and interesting as possible. The challenge I took on was to create an experience that was more immersive while maintaining interaction tropes that our player base was familiar with.